Pixel Camera 9.2 Update 3 New Features

Pixel camera 9.2 update rolled out and 3 new features are added.The Google camera is renamed as Pixel camera and with version 9.0 major UI changes are made.The Pixel camera version 9.2 is with 3 new features.

Pixel camera 9.2-New Features

These are the new features of Pixel camera 9.2.

1.Palm timer

Palm timer is more like a selfie gesture.This feature helps to click photos with help of a gesture i.e raising a palm will click the photo.

You need to set a timer of 3-10 seconds and after arranging the phone position right after moving back you need to raise a hand which captures a photo by identifying the gesture.

2.Ultra HDR

Ultra HDR is added in advanced settings of Pixel camera which captures and highlights darken sides of the scene and process a bright and high dynamic shot.This feature is similar to HDR+ enhanced.

3.P3 colors

Google added an option in Pixel camera where you can enable P3 color format instead of sRGB.P3 format has a wide range of color options rather than regular RGB format.

These new features are available on the latest Pixel camera version 9.2.Update your Pixel camera and try these new features.

By Harish Reddy

Iam a huge fan of Google Pixel.The love towards pixel made me a part of this community.I write content on this blog regarding Google Pixel camera,updates,troubleshooting,beta updates and more..

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