6 AI Features exclusive for Google Pixel 8 Pro

Google Launched Pixel 8 Pro in October 2023.Tensor G3 is powered with advanced AI and machine learning capabilities.Pixel 8 Pro has 6 AI features which made it so powerful.Pixel 8 pro is amazing smartphone.I love the camera features of 8 Pro.Lets explore the 6 AI features exclusive to Pixel 8 Pro.

Google Pixel 8 Pro Exclusive AI features

The 6 AI features exclusive to Pixel 8 Pro are-

Magic Editor-

Super powerful editor launched by Google.This allows us to remove objects,rearrange subjects,change the color of sky,clouds and also add styled effects to the image.

Magic Audio Eraser-

Audio Eraser identifies background noise in video and erases unwanted sounds from the video.It really helps when we shoot video in noisy environments like streets,busy areas. 

Best Take

I like this feature.It’s one of the best features Google included in Pixel 8 Pro.This feature changes the subjects face position.It arranges all the faces in a suitable posture allowing us to select the best.

Video Boost-

Video Boost is a powerful Video editing tool launched by Google.It is exclusive to Pixel 8 Pro.When you record a video using video boost is saves a temporary video file recorded at highest bitrate in RAW.Then it’ll be uploaded to Google 

cloud and Google will use AI tools to enhance the video.The video boost file will ready after some time and you’ll get notified when it is ready.

The final video looks amazing as it is all way optimised.

Recorder Summarizing

On the Pixel 8 Pro the google recorder uses AI to summarize the entire recording on device.It generates brief points on the Recording.

Smart replies

On Pixel 8 Pro Gboard automatically generates replies thanks to Gemini AI.This feature is rolling out to social media apps too.

By Harish Reddy

Iam a huge fan of Google Pixel.The love towards pixel made me a part of this community.I write content on this blog regarding Google Pixel camera,updates,troubleshooting,beta updates and more..

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